Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can you stay overnight with my dog at my house?

A: No, I am not able to do overnights due to me having my own menagerie at home to take care of.

Q: Can you board my dogs at your house?

A: No, I am not able to do boarding due to me having my own menagerie at home to take care of & my insurance policy doesn’t cover boarding.

Q: How can I leave a review to be added to your website and Google listing?

A: To add  your review to my website, simply use the Contact Us form HERE.  For Google, you’ll want to go to Wanderlust Elite Pet Services and find the button to leave a review. Simple as that!

Q: My pet has passed away, how can I leave a memorial to be added to your Rainbow Bridge page?

A: I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved fur baby. Send your memorial (the way you want it to read) to me via the Contact Us page.

Q: Can you drop my dog at his grooming appointment next week?

A: Yes! As long as I have a few days notice, I can pick up, drop off, and return your dog back home.

Q: My cat needs to see a Vet but my car is in the shop. Can you take her for me?

A: Absolutely! Just give me a day or two advance notice and I’m happy to. I can ask your Vet all of your questions & get answers for you.

Q: What are your rates for services?

A: You can see a list of our services with rates here. Please note: Rates are subject to change without notice.

If your question is other than what is on this page, please use the Contact Us page to submit your question. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.